Month: <span>May 2013</span>

2nd year reviews

Working on end of semester projects and gathering work for 2nd year reviews.2nd year review prep


“What’s in a name..” infographic to show name trends within the last 100 years. Information from the Social Security Administration.What's in a name

Update on My Craigslist

Starting to include more images into iPad app concept.My Craigslist app

Departing September 2013

Giving my Amtrak wine tours a photographic upscale feel. Wine tours, Amtrak

1 2 3 Show

I entered 3 different projects from my short time at Cornish, and one got selected. Craigslist App for iPad. 1-2-3 Show

Seattle Library

After learning about Joshua Prince-Ramus on Seattle’s library and watching this TED talk, a walk over to Seattle Library. Seattle Library

Seattle Art

Trip to Seattle Art Museum to see Renaissance painters as well as the great Rembrandt.Seattle Art Museum

Starbucks Tour

Got a tour of Starbucks headquarters in Seattle. It is great to get to be behind the scenes.Starbucks headquarters

Wine Tour Billboard

A few sketches brought digital. Amtrak Billboard

Henry Art Gallery

Photography book thus far, I love how its coming together.
Henry Art Gallery Book